Monday, July 02, 2007

Happy 4th!

Just to tie up a few loose ends from last week: the Choochokam problem is resolved and I think we're all on the same page. I wish the best for them and hope it's a great weekend for all my friends who will be there. But still, if you're looking for me, I'll be hanging out over in West Seattle that weekend.

The Taste of Tacoma show ended up a disappointment. Sunday came and went, and it was unanimous with everyone there - all of whom were roaming around bored and chatting by late afternoon - that sales were down by as much as half for a lot of folks. Who knows why. We just all have to get creative about how to boost up the summer.

And I tried a couple more melon varieties last week - Crenshaw and Gaya. Both were honeydew-like but not as good. Maybe they weren't quite ripe enough, or maybe there's a reason why the honeydew is so much more popular. They were less juicy, less flavorful, less sweet. I'm back to the Tuscan Cantalope again this week, and my favorite Dulcinea watermelon - the little melon-for-one size that's so sweet and seedless.

It's kind of cool to have a holiday mid-week. The roads around town are sort of dead, so I'm guessing a lot of people are already off holiday-making. Even if you have to work around the holiday, it still feels like a short week. I'm going to try to get in some focused bouts of serious work, in and around the periods of just plain goofing off. It finally feels like summer, with hot weather and clear skies all week. Maybe I can get my floatie in the lake before it's back to work.

Enjoy the holiday!

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