Monday, October 01, 2007


At first I thought I my blogamabobber was broken. During the last few days I would come to my little blogger page, hit new post, and then stare blankly at the screen. I couldn't think of a single thing to say. I would twirl my hair, squirm in my seat. Start, stop, erase, start again. Nothing. And then there would be some sort of distraction, and gratefully, I would close the page and forget about it for awhile.

But I was thinking about it yesterday, a whole day of doing nothing but entertaining a couple of crazed cats who were so bored to have to stay inside for a whole day due to cold pouring rain, and I decided that it's just the natural flow of things. I think it's been a week of semi-hibernation. After all the hectic busy-ness of most of September, on the heels of a rather busy summer, suddenly the weather changed dramatically, the light became dark, and I needed a little quiet solitude to recuperate, regroup, and change gears. October through December are my biggest three months of the year for sales, and I need to be ready for it.

Silence. Naps. Cups of tea, bowls of soup, lots of vegetables. Puttering around, cleaning, organizing, and going to bed early. No deadlines or places to be. I've rather enjoyed it, and I think quite frankly that I needed it badly.

This week will be a bit of the same, but gearing up for Salmon Days on the weekend. I've got space in my head now to create again. And I've been quietly working on catching up on all things, like bookkeeping and paperwork and orders.

The leaves on the trees are turning lovely colors. If only it wasn't so blowy and wet. I had sort of forgotten about the comfort of being indoors, snuggled in warmth and hiding out from the demands of the world. Lovely.

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