Friday, October 06, 2006

Soap Scraps $1

Yesterday morning, as I typed out my blog-o-rama, it looked like I had a fairly light day of work ahead. And I was looking forward to a chunk of time in the afternoon puttering around in my garden. That flew out the window at about the same time I clicked "publish." First there was the sort of extended version of my daily waltz around the internets. Found a couple of totally cool linkie poos, and an hour later looked up and decided I hadn't even had breakfast yet. So there was food, and well, maybe I can squeeze in a round of that obsessive computer game. Another hour of losing. Again. Wow, it's 10:30 already? I haven't even showered. Then a round of email duck-duck-goose, which means the slow version of instant messaging, by email, back and forth with a few folks over the course of another hour. A little shuffling of priorities and tasks -- time is beginning to run out. Then a quick half hour of work and it's lunch time, isn't it? Another quick game, because really, I can win this game. I know I can. I've done it before. Then I get back to work. Since I've already lost my focus and am spinning in circles, I decide that I can add on a couple of extra things that don't really need to be done today, but are at the bottom of my list and why not? By late afternoon I'm rushing around trying to get the three really small things I really, really needed to accomplish finished. Racing out the door to the post office to meet deadline. Missing out on all the other stuff I could have done and feeling like a pathetic loser. (Picture my fingers in a giant "L" pressed up to my forehead.) Am I the only one with this problem? Chronic time fritterer extraordinaire. Note the cosmopolitan "extraordin-aire." I'm an expert in avoidance, procrastination, wasting time with escapist activities that have no bearing on meaningful goals.

Er. So, here's what did happen. I scrounged up all the little dings, dents, leftover bars that were laying around and will have another one of those hullaballo soap scrap sales this weekend. Every bar only one dollar. There seemed to be a number of casualities during the Fair. Soaps that leapt off the edge of the cliff and made a run for it, only to dent their little tushes on the floor.

I will have a bin of them on Saturday morning. The good stuff goes pretty fast, and I don't have nearly the quantity I had at U District or Anacortes this year. But there's a full bin of them. So it's worth shlepping them out and letting the bargain bin hunters have at them. There is no way to do this on the web site. It's a bonus treat for those who come out to the shows. You kind of have to decide for yourself if the ugly is worth buying.

Happy Friday!

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