Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A Saturday in the Country

Wow, the weather has really turned today. After a run of such glorious, warm days with dazzlingly bright blue skies, the chilly grey stuff is a bit disappointing. We truly are headed into fall, and I guess I'm not quite ready to give up summer. Mostly it's just that fall turns into the holidays so fast, and like a snowball headed down the mountain, everything just picks up speed so quickly and you get caught up in that avalanche of go-go-go activities. Before you know it, it's Christmas. And I'm usually so overworked, overstressed and zombie-like by that point -- without even realizing what hit me. Hmm, can't think about that today. It's just a couple of days of cooler weather. And then Thursday will be back to warmer weather. For the record, I WILL be in Tacoma for the market Thursday. And it will be my last day of the season. September is the start of the Puyallup Fair. And while I sometimes can add a day or two in September at the market, this year I cannot manage it, with the huge commitment that the fair will be. So hopefully I can catch anybody who needs to stock up before the season is over.

And this weekend, for Labor Day, I'll be at Harbor Days in Olympia. Selling my wares next to the tugboats at the waterfront. I need to gather all the details for that show, which I will post tomorrow. But if you're in the area, or want to check out a little maritime fun, set aside some time Friday afternoon through Sunday for the Harbor Days show.

Craven Farm's popular antique show last Saturday was quite a pleasant day. Sales were great for some, a little slow for others, but it's brand new this year and we're figuring out how to make it work for everyone. However, the day itself was so very beautiful. The hot air balloons gracefully floating overhead in the morning. A raucous air show, with little bi-planes doing loop-di-loops, figure 8's, and formations in the afternoon. I'm not sure if they were scheduled to entertain the gigantic soccer tournament nearby at one of the other farms in the valley. But it almost looked like they were there just for us. So, to stretch out a little bit of sunshine, here's a few more pics of Saturday at the farm. I tried to post them yesterday but couldn't get a connection while I had the little window at the computer.

Finally, just for closure, I feel like I need to mention that my wonderful, sweet, most beautiful cat in the world, lost her battle on Sunday. We are completely heartbroken and missing her terribly. Took the day yesterday to leave the house, try to distract ourselves from the loneliness and crying, and spent a few hours outside -- at the beach watching the waves, picking at lunch, just taking in the beauty of Puget Sound. The loss of my little beloved companion will be hard to take, as everyone who has ever had a pet knows, and especially because we spent almost every minute of every day together here at the home studio. Today I am moving forward with work, and things will be ok, it just takes time.

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