Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Equinox

Today, Wednesday, March 20 marks the spring equinox this year.  It is the moment when night and daylight hours are perfectly balanced, if only for a day.

We are on the precipice of a new season, one that we have been waiting for so anxiously through the long, dark, dreary winter months.  Tedium and stagnation have been silent partners during the cold winter.  But new buds, bright sunshine, and even the blustery winds of March bring a breath of new life.  Sunlight is poised to take command of the weather.

Today is a turning point.  And I am thrilled to celebrate the official start of Spring.  In just a week, it's already Easter - early this year.  Bunnies, spring chicks, baskets of eggs, candies and flowers.  We are going all in with the spring happiness - no turning back.

A sigh of relief.  We've made it through another winter.  I've said that to myself a lot this past week.  Winter is over.  It's done.  Stick a fork in it.  Hurray!

So ready for Spring to get on with it.

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