Recap - Humpty Dumpty has been put back together. New hot water heater, new plumbing, all new set-up. It's grand. The studio has been put back in order, cleaned up, spiffed. All the mail orders made it out on time. I was a little low on the inventory that I had wanted for the show, but it turns out that I didn't need it.
Broken record - another lousy show. Just not enough customers. All the artists were crabbing, and most had barely made booth fee by the end of Saturday. And then Sunday was a complete downpour, the field was a swamp, and a whole bunch of folks just packed up and moved out. It was a worthless day. A bunch of us stayed because we want a good spot in the upcoming fall show. But we had nobody but ourselves to amuse all day. I actually had a lovely time joking around with my neighbors and new friends. A little profit would have been nice though.
So today it's raining again. The cats are bored and wet. I'm unpacking, drying out, taking stock. I will finally get a whole week's vacation starting this coming Sunday. I can't even tell you how relieved I am to have time off, and to have something totally fun, new, and exciting to look forward to, which is not even remotely work related - it's 100% recreation.
There is almost no time at all to be prepared for the fall newsletter mailing and the Puyallup Fair - so that's what is happening this week. Last minute planning, preparations and supply orders. Anything I can possibly do will be done. The week I return will be a huge jolt back into the real world, since there is only a few days before the fair sets up. Don't care.
I'll keep myself busy and efficient for now, but my heart is already on vacation. It's been a long, long summer and I'm happy that the show blitz is over. I had a glass of champagne when I got home last night. And then went straight to bed.
Nice photo.