Sunday, November 05, 2006

Sunday Hangover

Ok, so yesterday was the marathon of three shows at once. I was working my little booth at Eastlake High all day since before the crack of dawn. And when the day was over, I ran out to the car and thought, "gee, it's really raining out here." And after about a dozen trips to the car, soaked to the skin, I drive over to Pickering Barn to tear down that show.

About 20 loads to the car later I'm thinking "Oh my GOD, I've never been so wet in my entire life." Mostly because I had so much stuff that I couldn't fit it all in the car and was doing the jigsaw puzzle thing, stacking the car within an inch of its life, and all the while the skies were dumping bucketloads of water down my head. So I creep out of the lot, the final bins stuffed so high under my armpit in the front seat that I can hardly steer, and maneuver across I-90 with blowing torrents of rain, and I'm thinking, "Holy HELL, I've seen so much rain in. my. entire. life."

Which brings me home. And having to unload that unbearably huge load of soggy mess from my car in the midst of the biggest typhoon I've ever experienced. Which has me howling "Holy SHIT! I've never been so freaking wet in my ENTIRE LIFE!!!! And mainly that I've never been so damned miserable in my entire life. And then change clothes right down to my panties and head back up to Woodinville to tear down the last show at the Hollywood Schoolhouse.

By then the rain had tapered off, and by the time I packed it out to the car, the skies were clearing up and a gigantic full moon was taunting me. All three shows were down in sales. Big surprise. Attendance was down at all of them. Because who in their right mind would go out in that mess to shop for crafty crap? I wanted to just quit the whole damn thing and spend my entire savings on lottery tickets.

But today's another day. I set up both of next week's shows tomorrow morning, so today is the big inventory and re-pack of everything. And a little bit of time playing with the kittens, who have had a steady stream of visitors to wiggle the string for them, toss the shmousie and watch them race and wrestle.

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